Keep Your Most Vital Moves on Track. Work with BNSF Logistics’ in-house project, engineering, and rail project teams to find your most efficient rail solution. We’re a rail-neutral 3PL provider that works with all Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Regional, and Short Line rail companies, meaning that although we maintain a strong relationship with […]
Heavy-Haul and Project Services
Solutions to Move Practically Anything. When your cargo is oversized or extra heavy, BNSF Logistics can provide a specialized or custom solution to ensure it travels safely, cost-effectively, and on schedule. Over-dimensional loads (such as those for industrial equipment or energy infrastructure) are often high-value and time-sensitive, requiring logistical resources, permitting, and expertise. In these […]
Move Large Items With Greater Convenience. BNSF Logistics offers custom open-deck transportation solutions through our over-the-road team, and through our project and engineering teams for more demanding heavy-haul moves. Extra-large, high-volume, or highly complex — no matter the size of your load or the distance it needs to travel, our open-deck experts will make it […]