Super Dual-Lane Delivery Across North America

Over-the-Road Services

Company Profile

A global leader in industrial gases and related products for pharmaceutical, chemical, and electronics industries

Business Challenge

The customer needed a knock-out (KO) drum to separate vapor and liquid, which needed urgent super fast dual-lane transport from Houston, Texas, to Alberta, Canada. This haul required multiple approvals.


Due to its size, this load is unique to BNSF Logistics. KO drums were 56’9″ long and 17’9″ wide, surpassing dual-lane loading (DLL) trailers. BNSF Logistics transported it safely with a 155-foot DLL trailer. To ensure the drum could reach its destination, the DLL trailer’s unique configuration was used to survey the route before moving.

Process / Procedure

The engineering, estimating, safety, and operations teams planned this relocation. Planning involved organizing the trailer layout and route, determining the safest way to secure the drum, and identifying additional variables to ensure the DLL load moved safely.

On loading day, two cranes lifted the drum into the trailer based on its weight. The transportation crew wired and secured it for the trip. Finally, a field supervisor and training manager checked loading for compliance with SOPs. The loaded drum was 56’9″ long, 17’9″ wide, and 17’9″ high and weighed 176,370 pounds. The drum arrived safely.

Benefits Achieved

-Safely moved the oversized cargo to its destination

-A simple, one-stop solution for the client

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