Over-the-Road Services

Company Profile

40-year-old wind turbine manufacturer supplying 101 GW of renewable energy worldwide.

Business Challenge

The customer wanted a plan and fixture designs to swap parts without hot work while transporting multiple wind turbine components on an 8-axle railcar. Wind component fixtures and securement designed to meet or exceed AAR OTLR’s requirements and accommodate the following wind component combinations:

  • Nacelle/Drivetrain
  • Drivetrain/Drivetrain
  • Nacelle/Hub
  • Drivetrain/Hub
  • Hub/Hub/Hub
  • Nacelle


BNSF Logistics engineers invented a way to quickly load and unload railcars without
welding using universal fixture plates. Bolts and fixture plates quickly connect
interchangeable securement fixtures. In addition, each 8-axle railcar was fitted with
storage boxes for fixtures, hardware, and accessories. As a result, transporting empty
railcars to a new location for loading is cheaper because no attached fixtures exceed
non-dimensional shipment requirements.

Process / Procedure

BNSF Logistics completed the product design by fully understanding e customer’s needs and
AAR’s OTLR’s requirements.

  • Worked closely with OTLR Customers to create a satisfying, easy-to-operate product design.
  • Performed securement calculations to meet AAR OTLR’s requirements
  • Completed and submitted figure loads to the AAR OTLR committee

Benefits Achieved

  • Developed an innovative universal car securement strategy for transporting
  • different combinations of wind components
  • Minimal loading and unloading time and labor
  • Submitted figure loads to the AAR OTLR committee
  • Met and exceeded customers’ expectations

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